About Our School

Westside Elementary School is a High Performing and Title I Distinguished School located directly behind Coffee Regional Hospital in the city of Douglas, Georgia. Westside is one of eight elementary schools in a small, but progressive, rural community. Westside Elementary was first built in 1957 with the most recent additions and renovations being completed in 2011. Today, Westside Elementary School houses 44 classrooms, along with the administrative offices, media center, 2 computer labs, gymnasium, lunchroom, teacher workroom and a parent resource center.
Westside averages 22 students per class in grades Pre-K through fifth grade. The school population consists of approximately 660 students and is composed of the following demographic groups: Hispanic, 20%; Asian, .5%, African American, 41%; Multi-Racial, 4%; White, 34%.
Our dedicated and highly qualified faculty and staff at Westside Elementary include 1 principal, 1 assistant principal, 1 Dean, 1 counselor, 1 media specialist, 1 academic coaches, 2 full time ESOL teachers, 1 full time Speech and Language Therapist + 2 part time, 1 physical education teacher, 6 special education teachers, 27 regular classroom teachers, 3 Pre-K teachers, 1 S.A.I.L. instructor (49% employee), 2 intervention teachers, and 25 paraprofessionals. Additionally, we have a full-time secretary, school nurse, information specialist, cafeteria manager, five cafeteria workers, and a day porter.
We have high expectations for all students, and we work diligently to build a strong foundation for future learning that will lead to students meeting our shared vision of "Destination Graduation for College, Career, and Life".